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General Rules

These rules pertain to ALL the divisions in the competition.
Please read through all rules carefully, as there have been a lot of changes this year.

 Competition Time

The competition will begin at 9:00 AM CDT.  Doors will be open to the public at 8:15 AM CDT.  Spectators will not be allowed to enter or exit during performances.  Parade of Athletes will take place at the end of competition

Competition Cost

All spectators will pay $15.00 (adult) and $10.00 (student) admission.  Cash only for onsite purchase. You may also purchase your tickets ahead of time on our website, online ticket fees apply. 

Competition Apparel & Accessories

Closer to the date of competition a clothing pre-order will be available through cheer coaches. Competition clothing will also be available to order on-site during the competition which will be mailed to the athlete's school. CLOTHING PRE-ORDERED AND ORDERED ON-SITE MUST BE PAID BY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD.

Videos & Pictures

There is NO flash photography or videoing with external lighting allowed at any NDCCA competition.  THE SAFETY OF THE COMPETITORS IS AT STAKE WHEN PEOPLE USE FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY OF ANY KIND. 

  1. Practice times are scheduled ahead of time. Please be 10 minutes early when preparing for your practice time. Practice times will be scheduled for all teams competing in the Time Out, Game Day, Cheer/Dance, All Around, and Top Sideline Divisions.

  2. Be aware that competition can run early/late.  Check in with the practice room to see if practice times are running ahead or behind schedule.

  3. Once scheduled practice times are complete, mats will be available to all participants including those competing in Stunt Group and Jump Off. Please be courteous to other teams and take turns using the main portion of the mat.

  4. At registration time, wristbands/badges will be issued to those coaches/people listed on the registration form.  ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE PRACTICE AREA.  Names listed on the registration form MUST be members of NDCCA.

Practice Room

General Performance Requirements

These pertain to ALL Divisions—Cheer/Dance Routine; Game Day; Time-Out; Stunt Group; All-Around Cheer Challenge; Top Sideline; & Jump Off 

  1. The coach of any cheerleader competing must be a current member of NDCCA. If stunting in any division above waist high, the cheer coach of an individual/team must be ND STUNT-CERTIFIED.

  2. All participants must have a completed medical form. A $50 fine will be assessed if all forms are not completed before the stated deadline, prior to the Competition.

  3. Members of all competing divisions must be bona fide cheerleaders in that cheer season—for example Fall Competition competitors must cheer for a fall sport and Winter Competition competitors must cheer for a winter sport.  

  4. A team may move up JV cheerleaders onto a competing Varsity team, as long as that JV cheerleader is also cheering that season.  If that JV cheerleader is moved up to compete with Varsity, the cheerleader will be deemed Varsity for the entire competition. For example if the cheerleader does a Varsity cheer/dance routine the cheerleader then cannot compete in the JV Jump Off.  This also applies to the Middle School division (a cheerleader cannot compete in a Middle School Time Out routine and then compete in a JV Game Day routine, etc.).

  5. Effective with the Fall 2016 Cheer Competition, NDCCA will be following the music rules and guidelines outlined by USA Cheer Federation. For an explanation, go to   To see these guidelines, go to www.  MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THESE GUIDELINES—NDCCA WILL BE FOLLOWING THEM STRICTLY.  For any questions, contact  

    1. The coach will be required to have proof of purchase for the music they have chosen for their routines. Proof of purchase must be submitted electronically before the stated deadline, prior to the Competition. 

    2. All music should be suitable for ALL audience members. If any judge hears
      inappropriate music/words/profanity, the issue will be brought forward to the technical judge panel. A 5-point deduction (cheer/dance and game day) or disqualification (stunt group) will be assessed after review by the tech judge for any inappropriate music during the cheer/dance, game day, and stunt group competitions. 

  6. In the event that the music equipment does not work, or in the case of an injury, the coach can choose one of the following procedures:

    1. The team keeps going, and they complete the performance; if so they will be scored as usual. 

    2. The coach stops the performance at the time of the injury or music malfunction.  The team leaves the mat, and will redo their routine either at the end of their division, or 2 teams later.  Once this decision is made, they do not have the choice to use either the 1st or 2nd performed routine—they must take the scores of the 2nd performed routine. 

    3. No additional cheerleader can take the place of an injured person—the team must perform their 2nd routine with the same original performing cheerleaders, minus the injured person if that is the case. 

    4. If the routine is stopped because of an injury and the routine is redone, the injured person cannot be in the 2nd performance.

  7. Nails, piercings, jewelry, hair, etc. will be checked for National Federation Rule violations while the team is in line or on deck before all their performance times.

    1. Hair must not be in the face; fully pulled back, and off the shoulders if stunting.

    2. If a cheerleader is removing her jewelry, piercings, or is clipping her nails while in line or on deck, it will be an infraction.

    3. See penalties & deductions values

  8. Regular cheer team uniforms are to be worn during ALL divisions of the competition.

    1. If there is a uniform violation, the person/group will not be allowed to compete.

    2. Mascots must be in a complete mascot uniform during the performance and must not remove any portion of their costume.

  9. The only props that will be allowed are megaphones, poms, signs and flags.

  10. Each team may provide spotters for their team.  The spotter may not help or hold stunts in any way.  Spotters may assist for spotting purposes only.

    1. If the spotter does help build the stunt, assist the stunt, or catch the stunt, the team will be deducted 1 point each time the spotter assists. (EXCEPTION: in the stunt group division the group will be disqualified).

    2. Spotters must adhere to all safety rules—including hair, nails, jewelry, etc.

    3. NDCCA does not want to see teams doing stunts that they are not ready to perform.  If your team is not hitting the stunts you are planning to use consistently, make adjustments to perform stunts that they are capable of doing safely.

  11. All routines will be performed on a 42’ x 42’ cheer mat. (7 strips of 6’x 42’)

  12. Each team in the Cheer/Dance Routine, Game Day, Time-Out, All Around, and Top Sideline Divisions will be assigned a practice time for each division. The time limits will be strictly enforced. There are no scheduled practice times for Stunt Group or Jump Off divisions. 

    1. Cheer/Dance Division: 5 minutes on a stretch mat, then rotating to 5 minutes on a full set of mats.

    2. Game Day Division: 3 minutes on a stretch mat, then rotating to 3 minutes on a full set of mats.

    3. Time-Out Division: 2 minutes on a stretch mat, then rotating to 2 minutes on a full set of mats.

    4. All Around/Top Sideline Division:  2 minutes on a stretch mat, then rotating to 2 minutes on a full set of mats.

  13. Spiriting on and off the mat is permitted.

  14. What happens if someone is injured during practice time?
    If a team has an alternate(s), the alternate(s) must be listed and paid for on the registration form. However—if an injury occurs between the time the registration is sent in and the day of the competition, the coach must contact the competition director BEFORE the day of the competition, with an explanation given of the injury. Only in this case will an alternate be allowed to be added after the registration form is sent in.

  15. For the final performance, your team will be called twice: once when on deck and once as up next, which will be the cue to take their position on the performance mat. The team should be in line before they are on deck, as they have to be safety checked before entering the performance area.

    1. Disqualification will occur if the cheer team is not ready to perform at their assigned performance time, unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the NDCCA Chief Executive Officer and/or competition director(s).

  16. Coaches, other cheer teams, and fans may NOT say the words with the cheer team performing—unless it is to reply to the cheer—for example “give us a B”  B, etc. This also includes voiceovers recorded as part of a team's music. A 0.25 point deduction will be assessed to the cheer team performing if this occurs.

  17. For safety reasons, no one, other than the coaches listed on the registration form, may sit in front of the mat while a performance is in progress. Coaches should not sit on the edge of the mat, but rather next to the music source on the sideline.

  18. A team may use the same competition routine in 2 consecutive competitions, provided they are within the same school year. This applies to Cheer/Dance, Game Day, and Time-Out.

    1. For example, if a team uses a routine in the Fall competition, they may use the same routine for the subsequent Winter competition. However, if a team uses a routine in a Winter competition, the same routine may not be used for the next Fall’s competition.

    2. Apart from using one routine within one school year, a routine may not be reused for the following two school years. For example, if a routine is used in the 2023-2024 school year, the next time any part of the routine may be re-used is the 2026-2027 school year.

    3. If the situational chant portion of a Fall Game Day routine is season specific (football), the team will be required to change the chant to reflect the current Winter season (hockey, basketball, etc.).

    4. If an infraction is suspected, the Comp Director must be contacted as soon as the infraction is suspected.

    5. The only people that can challenge a routine is a judge, head coach, or NDCCA Board Member.

    6. If one is reported, previous recordings and current videotape of the competitions will be compared. If found to be the same, the team will be disqualified.

    7. Reusing stunts between consecutive competitions is allowed.

  19. If a team is the only team registered for a specific division, the team has the following options:

    1. Compete with the next closest division. Example: If a Class B Varsity CDR team is the only team in that division, the team could elect to compete in the Class A Varsity CDR division. If small and large divisions, the team would follow the team size guidelines outlined in the CDR rules section below.

    2. The team can choose to compete in the division by themselves. In order to earn a place, the team must earn at least 65% of that division's scoresheet. Example: If the team achieves 67% of the scoresheet, the team will be awarded champion in that division. If the team achieves 63% of the scoresheet, no award will be given.

    3. The team may choose to not perform at all. In this case, the registration fees will be refunded.

  20. The Class A Varsity division will be split into Large and Small categories based on the number of athletes competing in the event. Up to 11 athletes is Small, 12+ athletes is Large.

  21. All athletes must be in junior high or high school.  

  22. Athletes may not compete in both All Around and Top Sideline.


The following penalties and deductions will apply:

  1. Sign and Pom - 0.25 (per instance)

    1. Tossing Signs where it flips or spins

    2. Stepping on signs or poms

    3. Tossing props and hitting another athlete

  2. Coaches/Fans Yelling - 0.25 (per instance)

    1. Coaches, other cheer teams, and fans may NOT say the words with the cheer team performing unless it is to reply to the cheer.

  3. Stunt/Tumbling Limitations - 0.25 (per instance)

    1. Not following Game Day and Time out Division stunt and tumbling limitations

  4. Athlete Fall - 0.5 (per instance)

    1. Hands down in tumbling/jumps

    2. Knees down in tumbling/jumps

    3. Multiple body parts touch the floor in tumbling/jumps

    4. Drop to the floor in individual skills (tumbling, jumps, etc.)

  5. Building Fall - 1.0 (per instance)

    1. Cradle, dismount, or bringing down stunt/pyramid early (not timing issues)

    2. Base falling to the floor during cradle or dismount

    3. Intentional boundary violation

    4. If a spotter helps build a stunt, assists a stunt, or catches a stunt, the team will be deducted 1 point each time the spotter assists. 

  6. Safety Violation - 1.0 (per instance)

    1. Uniform, jewelry, nails, hair, etc. - Violation under NFHS guidelines

  7. Major Building falls - 5.0 (per instance)

    1. Falls from individual stunt/pyramid/tosses where multiple athletes and/or flyer fall to the ground.

  8. Unsportsmanlike Conduct - 5.0 and ejection

    1. The following will be used to help define unsportsmanlike conduct.

      1. Disrespectfully addressing an official or gesturing in such a manner as to indicate resentment

      2. Using profanity or vulgarity; taunting, baiting or ridiculing officials or opposing tem personnel; or using derogatory marks or personal comments during the competition

      3. Trying to influence or dispute the official’s decisions by continuing to argue or to excessively express themselves with prolonged actions or offensive language.

  9. Inappropriate Music - 5.0

  10. Time Infraction for timed events

    1. 3-5 seconds over - 0.25

    2. 6-10 seconds over - 0.5

    3. 11+ seconds over - 1.0

    4. Entrance and exit don't count for time, unless it is excessive.


(In addition to this section, be sure to read the General Performance Requirements above.)

  1. A maximum of 20 athletes may be on the floor for the Cheer/Dance Routine.

  2. Each team will perform a choreographed routine up to 2 minutes, 30 seconds in length.

  3. Up to 1 minute, 30 seconds of the routine may be performed to music.

  4. Timing will begin with the first movement or when the music starts by the cheer team after their team has been called to perform, whether it be cheer, dance, stunt, etc.

  5. Words to cheers and chants learned at camp may be used—but NOT the entire cheer or dance. (for example, you may use the words, but not the original motions of a cheer—new motions must be created; or—you may use the same dance, but to different music).

Game Day Division- Specific Rules

(In addition to this section, be sure to read the General Performance Requirements above.)


  1. A maximum of 24 athletes may be on the floor for Game Day

  2. Performance will have a time limit of 3 minutes.

  3. Time will begin at the start of the first word/beat of the music.

  4. Dances and chants learned at camp MAY be used.

  5. You will NOT be able to place props on the mat ahead of your time starting.

  6. Stunt limitations (0.25 point penalty deduction per instance)

    1. No Tosses such as: baskets or other similar type tosses

    2. No inversions

    3. No twisting dismounts

    4. Single leg extended stunts are limited to liberties and liberty hitches.

  7. Tumbling limitations (0.25 point penalty deduction per instance)

    1. No running tumbling

    2. Standing tumbling, standing back handsprings and standing tucks are allowed.

    3. Stepping into or connecting tumbling is considered running tumbling.

  8. Stunting is a requirement in the Game Day division, so any team competing must be a certified team (this includes middle school teams)




You rally on to the mat with all your poms, signs, flags. Keep rallying until you hear the announcer.


Transitions between parts. Natural energy and spirit at all times. Proper placement of props. If there is enough space, you can add standing tumbling and jumps/kicks throughout. Building skills are not permitted during transitions.


The Band Chant will be consistent with the summer camp format. Teams should demonstrate spirit and enthusiasm while entering the performance floor and before the music begins. A cue will not be given to start the Band Chant. Once the music begins, the teams cannot incorporate any skills other than kicks and jumps. Squads should utilize spirit raising props and focus on creative movements such as level changes or ripples, execution of the material and encouraging the crowd to participate.


The announcer will provide a cue for offense or defense. Teams should wait until the announcer finishes the cue and show the proper response to the game day situation. Squads should focus on crowd effectiveness, motion technique and skills relevant to a game day environment.  Situational chant should reflect the current season. Ex: Winter season the chant should be basketball/hockey specific. Chant repeats and ends after a verbal command or a set, designated number of times.

NOTE: It is optional to incorporate skills into the sideline (stunts, jumps and/or standing tumbling). Please review the skill restrictions above.


Following the Sideline, teams must return to the performance surface and show a clear separation between elements. Teams can show spirited interaction as a clear transition into the Cheer but are not allowed to stunt while transitioning. The cheer should be reflective of a timeout cheer and encourage the crowd to yell along.  Teams are required to incorporate spirit props and practical skills (stunts and/or tumbling, if the division allows).


The final element should reflect your school’s traditional school song or a fight song using sharp motions to music. Ripples, line changes, etc. can be added. Teams may incorporate crowd effective skills (stunts and/or standing tumbling) and can include spirit raising props (flags, poms, signs) to enhance the overall effect.  School Song/Fight Song incorporation is limited to three (3) consecutive 8-counts of stunts and/or standing tumbling. For teams that do not have an official School Song, it is recommended to use a second selection of band chant music. 


  • Choreograph to Maximize Score Sheet

  • Music Choice is Key. Use Props Effectively Lead, Not just perform.

  • Line Movement – F/B, S/S

  • Easy Motions, Sharp Technique Make Fillers Count

  • Popcorn Skills

  • Keep it Simple, Less is More

  • Props on Top

  • Difficulty is NOT on the Scoresheet.

  • Raise Your Voice

  • Keep it Together

  • Know the Skill Incorp Rules

  • Show Your Spirit

TIME OUT DIVISION - Specific Rules

(In addition to this section, be sure to read the General Performance Requirements above.)

  1. A maximum of 24 athletes may be on the floor for Game Day

  2. Performance will have a time limit of 1 minute.

  3. Time will begin and end with a buzzer sound, similar to time outs at a basketball game.

  4. Once the buzzer rings signifying that time is up, the cheer team must make every effort to exit as soon as possible.

  5. Cheers and chants learned at camp MAY be used.

  6. You may NOT use the same cheer as in the Cheer/Dance Routine division—they must be 2 DIFFERENT cheers. You may, however, use a camp cheer in this Time Out division.

  7. You will NOT be able to place props on the mat ahead of your time starting—it is just like a "real" time out—you can’t put anything out ahead of time.

  8. Stunt limitations (0.25 point penalty deduction per instance)

    1. No Tosses such as: baskets or other similar type tosses

    2. No inversions

    3. No twisting dismounts

    4. Single leg extended stunts are limited to liberties and liberty hitches.

  9. Tumbling limitations (0.25 point penalty deduction per instance)

    1. No running tumbling

    2. Standing tumbling, standing back handsprings, and standing tucks are permitted

    3. Stepping into or connecting tumbling is considered running tumbling.



(In addition to the rules above, the following rules apply to middle school teams)

  1. Teams registering under a middle school name must compete in the middle school division.

  2. Certified and Non-Certified teams will all compete together.

  3. Stunt limitations (0.25 point penalty deduction per instance)

    1. No extended stunts (only double based prep level and below stunts are allowed in the Middle School division)

    2. Stunt rules listed above also apply

    3. A non-certified team (Non-Certified division) can only perform waist high or lower stunts. However, no stunts are required to be performed to compete.



Stunt Group

  1. A maximum of 5 cheerleaders may be involved in the stunt group.

  2. Each school may have a maximum of 2 Varsity stunt groups and 2 JV stunt groups.

  3. If the school is not in a team portion of the competition, each PERSON in the stunt group will be charged $10

  4. Cheerleaders may only perform with one stunt group.

  5. Each routine has a maximum time limit of 1 minute.

  6. Timing will begin when either the first skill or when the music starts.

  7. Any illegal stunt or Spirit Rules Infraction will result in a deduction.  See penalties and Deductions section above.

  8. Note: there are NO points given for jumps, tumbling, etc, so there is no reason to add it into the stunt group routine.

All Around/ Top Sideline Cheerleader

All Around Cheer Challenge and Top Sideline Cheerleader Rules

  1. Each team in the competition is allowed up to 3 cheerleaders to participate in combination for the two events.  With a max of 2 in any division.

    1. Example: 1 All Around and 2 Top Sideline Cheerleader,  2 All Around and 1 Top Sideline Cheerleader

    2. Neither division requires a registration fee for those teams that are already registered for any of the team divisions.

  2. A school that is not participating in the other team events may also send up to 3 cheerleaders to participate in the competition.  There will be a $10 fee for each cheerleader entered.

  3. A medical release form must be COMPLETELY filled out, signed, and submitted electronically before the stated deadline, prior to the Competition for each participating cheerleader.

  4. Each participant will perform a routine up to, but not over, 1 minute. A participant who goes over the time limit will be disqualified.

  5. Contestants MUST perform an advanced jump. (toe touch or higher difficulty)

  6. The contestant will be judged on cheer motions, jumps, voice, spirit, and crowd appeal; which can be shown in cheers, chants, etc.

  7. No props, signs, or megaphones. Poms are allowed

  8.  All-Around will be split in to Class A and Class B divisions.

  9. Top Sideline will be split in to Class A and Class B divisions.

All- Around Specific

  1. The contestant MUST perform a tumbling pass including at least a standing back handspring or higher level skill. If a cheerleader registers for this event and does not perform at least the minimum required skill, the cheerleader will be disqualified from the All Around Cheer Challenge.

Top Sideline Cheerleader

  1. No Tumbling allowed

Jump Off

Jump Off Rules

  1. 2 cheerleaders per school may enter the jump off.

    1. If a team is competing in any team events, there is no fee for the jump off.

    2. If team is not competing in any other events, all cheerleaders, up to the max of 2, are $10 per cheerleader (total of $20 for 2 cheerleaders)

  2. The participants will compete on the floor by themselves and be judged off of a scoresheet.

  3. Winners will be announced with the rest of the awards.

  4. There will be separate Class A Varsity, Class B Varsity, Junior Varsity and Middle School jump off divisions, provided there are at least 3 competitors in each division.

The participants will do the following:

  1. The cheerleader will rally onto the floor when their name is called.

  2. They must perform 3 jumps.

    1. One toe touch is required.

    2. The two remaining jumps are the cheerleaders’ choice.

    3. Jumps do not need to be connected, but can be.

    4. No tumbling is allowed.

    5. If a cheerleaders performs too few or too many jumps, they will be disqualified

  3. When the cheerleader has completed their jumps, they will rally off of the floor.


Attached here is the Jump Off Scoresheet.

Jump off video example is attached here.

Note: there are NO points given for tumbling, so there is no reason to add it into the jump off routine.  From a judge: “Tumbling gets you no extra points, so why waste your energy doing it?”

Stunt Legalities-Cheer/Dance, Timeout Cheer, Game Day and Stunt Group Divisions

With all the recent National Federation Spirit Rule changes, including inversions and many others, the following process should be followed if the coach is not sure of the stunt’s legality:

  1. Send a video clip to This will be forwarded onto our rules committee, they will in turn make a ruling on the stunt — very often consulting with that competition's Tech Judge. All stunt legality questions must be submitted to Jen Lawson the Wednesday prior to competition, at the latest. Fall 2024 - November 20th, 2024

  2. The stunt—AS PERFORMED IN THE VIDEO—will be ruled legal or illegal.  If ruled illegal, the coach will be informed of the rule in the NFHS Rule Book that the stunt violates.

  3. A list will be made of these interpretations and given to the Tech Judges of that specific competition.

  4. The coach needs to realize, however, if the stunt is NOT performed exactly as it was on the submitted video, it could be ruled differently than the original video was ruled.

  5. A coach is not required to submit stunts for clarification of legality.

Note: Be sure to include the competition division that you plan to perform the stunt in as there are limitations that may be pertinent to deciding whether the skill(s) are legal for a specific division.

  • Example: A backflip pyramid is legal in the cheer/dance divisions (pending all NFHS rules are followed), but it is NOT legal in the Time out cheer division due to stunt limitations placed on that division.


All Judges for the NDCCA Cheerleading Competition come from various parts of the country with a background in cheerleading. Cheer teams will be judged in the following areas:

  • Cheerleading basics: motion technique, jumps, dance, tumbling, stunts/pyramids

  • Projection: voice, expression, showmanship

  • Choreography of the routine: spacing/formation/transition/flow and overall crowd appeal

  • Perfection of routine: overall performance impression

Download Score Sheets and Scoring Criteria from the Forms page.

Score & Appeals

You are only able to appeal a tech judge ruling in the case of:

  • Athlete steps off the performance mat

  • Team Spotter helps build or catch a stunt

  • NFHS/ND State Spirit Rule infraction

  • Appropriate music

You are NOT able to appeal the following:

  • Deductions from safety checks prior to entering the performance mat

  • Time infractions

  • Home crowd, coach, or non performing team member yelling more than a call back with the performing team

  • Panel judge scores

Process to Appeal

  • You will have 10 minutes from receiving your deduction sheet to return the Appeals Form and your deduction sheet with a $50.00 cash payment to the NDCCA to the Timer/Appeals Manager at the Tech Judge table. (Coach is responsible for printing and bringing the appeals form with them to competition)

  • The Appeals Manager will inform the head coach requesting an appeal when to return to the tech table to review the appeal with the HEAD TECH JUDGE and one of the COMPETITION DIRECTORS.

  • You are required to provide and bring your own video proof of the infraction you are appealing. THE NDCCA WILL NOT PROVIDE A VIDEO FOR REVIEW.

  • Appeal reviews with all the Head Tech Judge, Competition Director and Head Coach will be done in a private area provided by the NDCCA.

  • The Head Tech Judge will make the final call after review. The Competition Director and Head Coach will be there only as witnesses.

  • After review, the appeal will either be denied or accepted by the Head Tech Judge.

    • If ACCEPTED then the $50.00 will be returned to the Head Coach and deduction score will be changed.

    • If DENIED then the $50.00 will be kept by the NDCCA Competition Director and the infraction ruling (including deduction score) will stay as is.

The Awards of Placement will be announced to the audience.  After the Awards Ceremony, the score sheets may be picked up by the cheer coach at the designated area.


If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email

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