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NDCCA Constitution


The role of this organization is to promote cheerleaders, educate cheerleaders and cheer coaches, clarify safety guidelines and promote a positive relationship with NDHSAA, communities, schools, coaches and cheerleaders in North Dakota.


Article I – Name

This organization shall be the North Dakota Cheer Coaches Association.

Article II – Purpose
  1. To promote excellence and safety in cheerleading.

  2. To promote a positive relationship between coaches and school administrators.

  3. To improve guidance techniques of coaches.

  4. To provide education and information to coaches.

  5. To establish and promote effective communication with NDHSSA, schools and administrators.

  6. To study and make recommendations to proposed rule changes concerning cheerleaders.

Article III – Membership and Meetings
  1. Membership is open to any cheer coaches interested in the further promotion of cheerleaders and this organization.

  2. The membership year is from July 1 through June 30.

  3. Annual dues are to be set by the Board of Directors.

  4. Members may attend all General Membership meetings, hold office and vote in all membership meetings and elections.

  5. Voting is by current dues-paid members only; one school equals one vote.

  6. A quorum shall be the majority of those present at the membership meeting.

  7. Items must be submitted for the agenda to the President prior to the membership meeting.

Article IV – Executive Board
  1. The Executive Board shall include Executive Director, President, Vice President & Membership Director, Co-Competition Directors Treasurer, Secretary, Co-Certification Directors, Member At-Large Representatives and Social Media Manager

  2. Executive Board Members shall be elected by the membership. Executive Board Members shall be required to attend 80% of meetings and NDCCA events to remain on the Board.

  3. Executive Board positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be selected from within the Executive Board, by the Executive Board. Payment, if any, for a position shall be determined by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have authority to remove non-compliant Board members and to determine how the board shall be run.

  4. Beginning July 1, 2018 At-large members shall serve a 3-year term on the Executive Board, the Secretary shall serve a 2-year term as Secretary with an additional year transition for a total of 3 years on the board. Board members may resign at any time.

  5. Vice President shall serve a 2-year term followed by a 2-year term as President and then must take a 1-year break before running for a new board position.

  6. Board Positions and duties​

Executive Director

  • Oversee NDCCA Organization

  • Awards Director

    • Team Scholar

    • Senior Awards

    • Scholarships

    • Coach of the Year

  • Non-Profit Paperwork


  • Preside at all meetings

  • Prepare agendas for all meetings

    • Send reminders about reading minutes to members prior to meetings

    • Coordinate dates, times, and locations of all meetings

  • Appoint persons to fill vacancies in offices, to then be voted on by the Board of Directors

  • Coordinate duties of Board Members throughout the year

    • Assignment, progress, follow through

  • Stay informed of all issues, items, etc. that the association is dealing with

  • Other duties as designated by Board

  • Keep members informed of updates

  • One year required absence from the board before being elected to any new position


Vice President & Membership Director

  • Assume duties of president in their absence

  • Stay informed of all issues, items, etc. that the association is dealing with

  • Draw for “Billie Ann Caya” Award

  • Receives all membership applications (fees go to Treasurer)

    • Communicates to member about unpaid fees

  • Keeps track of all members

  • Takes care of Coaches Recognition Program

  • Receive Coaches Day registrations (fees go to Treasurer)

  • Report out to Board number of members and fees collected


Co-Competition Directors

  • Takes care of NDCCA competitions and all details

    • Registrations (fees go to Treasurer), Forms, Jump Off, Comp Program, Practice Schedule

  • Select Site

  • Work with Site Director, making sure all duties are carried out per direction of the Board

    • Provide document to Site Director of Responsibilities

    • Update Site Director document as needed

  • End of each competition files a complete report to the Board 

    • Coach evaluations and feedback (what things worked, what things didn’t work, suggestions for improvements on next competition)

    • Competition Financial Report

    • Feedback will come via Feedback form sent by the President

  • Select judges and coordinate transportation and lodging

    • Pay meal stipend and judging fees

  • Pay Competition workers

  • Have access to NDCCA checkbook and credit card

  • Set up clothing options

  • Ordering trophies and medals



  • Keep track of financial records

  • Create monthly financial report and share with the Board

  • Do all deposits

  • Has access to NDCCA checkbook and credit card

  • Create a yearly report for annual Executive Board meeting

  • Provide a receipt book for NDCCA events



  • Takes minutes at all meetings

  • Send minutes to board members

  • Send minutes to webmaster to be included on website

  • Have minutes ready at each meeting


Certification Co-Directors

  • Is NFHS certified

  • Sets dates and runs rules meetings

  • Sets up Spirit Rules tests

  • Keeps track of Certified Coaches

    • Test results

    • Forms

    • Required classes for certification (Sports First Aid, Concussion, Heat Related Illness, Hands on Stunting)

    • Recertification of Coaches

  • Communicate Certified Coaches to NDHSAA

  • Provides training in special circumstances

  • Provide educational resources to coaches via the website


Members at Large Responsibilities

  • Help at competitions when not with a team

  • Help at Coaches Day and/or be a part of the planning committee

  • Other duties as assigned


Social Media Manager - Web Master

  • Create and manage new website

    • Making updates or changes needed in real time

  • Create and post all social media items


Terms are as is. Member replacement of positions only completes the duration of that term.


Reimbursement for Certification Directors

  • Mileage

  • Hotel

  • Food


Reimbursement for Competitions

  • Mileage for Board Members not competing 

Covered by Board for Competitions

  • Hotel for Board Members not competing

  • Judges

    • Hotel

    • Flights/Milage

    • Per diem for food


Board members making more than $250, will not be paid the $50 NDCCA event pay.

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