NDCCA Cheer Honors
Team Awards, Grants, Scholarships and Coach Awards
The North Dakota Cheer Coach Association believes cheerleaders and cheer teams in North Dakota should be recognized for their hard work and dedication to cheerleading and academics, as well as to their schools and communities.
Cheer Team Scholar Award
(Non- Monetary)
NDCCA Cheer Team Scholar Award program is open to all NDCCA members' cheer teams (Varsity, JV, Middle School).
The NDCCA will award Cheer Team Scholar Awards for both the fall sport season and the winter sport season.
Cheer teams need to achieve a 3.2 cumulative GPA computed from the grading period during the team’s season. (If using a different grading system, convert to 4.0 scale).​
To apply, please fill out a Cheer Team Scholar Award Application.
Fall award deadline: November 1, 2024
Winter award deadline: February 1, 2025
Elite Senior Award
(Non- Monetary)
The North Dakota Cheer Coach Association Elite Senior Award is presented to Senior Varsity cheerleaders from the state of North Dakota. They are the cheerleaders that cheer coaches can rely on the most because of their hard work, enthusiasm and dedication to cheerleading and their cheer program.
Qualities found in a Senior Cheer Award nominee:
supportive of the cheer coach and their teammates
a good leader
a positive role model for others
accountable and responsible.
Cheerleading ability is not a deciding factor. Elite Senior Award winners are truly dedicated to cheerleading and the positive impact it has had on their lives.
Two Senior Varsity cheerleaders whose cheer coach is a member of the NDCCA are eligible.
The NDCCA Senior Award recipients for the fall season will be recognized at the fall competition, and the Senior Award recipients for the winter season will be recognized at the winter competition.
Each school may nominate a maximum of two senior cheerleaders from the fall season and two senior cheerleaders from the winter season.
To apply, please fill out a Elite Senior Award recommendation.
Fall award deadline: November 1, 2024
Winter award deadline: February 1, 2025
Senior Recognition
(Non- Monetary)
During the Fall and Winter competitions, ALL Senior Cheerleaders will be recognized for their participation in cheerleading. Each athlete will be given a certificate and ribbon.
Please fill out the: Senior Recognition Form
Fall award deadline: November 1, 2024
Winter award deadline: February 1, 2025
Cheer Coach Longevity Award
(Non- Monetary)
The NDCCA recognizes cheer coaches for their years of service, and the important role they play in helping their cheerleaders learn the fundamentals of cheerleading, along with important life skills - hard work, discipline, team work, responsibility, etc.
Since these individuals deserve to be recognized, the NDCCA presents awards to the coaches for attaining a significant number of years of service (5, 10, 15, etc.) during the winter competition.
The recognition program is open to all NDCCA members.
Coach of the Year Award
(Non- Monetary)
The NDCCA Coach of the Year is someone who made a significant impact in cheerleading, their school, and the lives of those they have coached. They exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and moral character. Coaches are nominated by their peer coaches in North Dakota.
Coaches must have coached a minimum of 3 years.
Deadline to nominate: January 1st
If there are no nominations for "Coach Of the Year" by Jan 1st, the board will nominate 3 NDCCA member coaches. These coaches will be presented and voted on by the membership of NDCCA by January 15th.
To nominate a current NDCCA member who meets these qualifications, please use the Coach of the Year- Nomination form.
Past Recipients
2023-2024 Jennifer Lawson, Willison HS
2022-2023 Courtney Pierce, Mandan HS
2021-2022 Tammy Duursma, Century HS
2019-2020 Angie Speiser, Minot HS
2018-2019 Cebe Schneider, Dickinson HS
2017-2018 Ramona Borke, Hillsboro-Central Valley HS
2016-2017 Barb Reese, Stanley HS
2015-2016 Billie Ann Caya, Bismarck HS
2014-2015 Paula Goldmann, Beulah HS
NDCCA Senior Scholarship
The North Dakota Cheer Coach Association Scholarship is open to Senior cheerleaders whose coach is a member of the NDCCA.
The NDCCA may award up to four $500 scholarships at the Winter Cheer Competition. The number of scholarships given will depend on the number of applicants and/or quality of applicants. However, the total amount given will not exceed $2,000.
The Scholarship Committee will appoint judges from both Class A and Class B schools.
The applicant’s name and school will not be seen by the judges during the selection of the winners.
The winner(s) will be announced at the winter competition.
Winner(s) will receive a recognition certificate, and form to complete specifying the name and address of the institution they plan to attend. The scholarship money will be sent directly to the college.
Cheerleader must complete the NDCCA Senior Scholarship Application.
Cheer coach must complete the Cheer Coach Recommendation Form
Application Deadline: January 15 (for both scholarship and recommendation form)
Billie Ann Caya (BAC) Scholarship
The Billie Ann Caya (BAC) scholarship is awarded every year at the State Winter Cheerleading Competition. One Class A and one Class B school will be drawn from the list of NDCCA member coaches. It will then be at that coach’s discretion as to how and who they select for the scholarship. Often cheerleaders make contributions to their team that are not dependent on their grade point or class rank—and this could be a way for them to be recognized. Each scholarship is $250.
NDCCA Team Grant
NDCCA grant funding is derived from income generated from NDCCA Cheer Competitions. From these funding sources, NDCCA has grant money available for all grade areas specific to cheer teams. These grants will be determined by coaches of the NDCCA Board. Grants may be written up to the amount of $500.00.
NDCCA member cheer coaches may apply for areas including but not limited to the following:
School issued uniforms (No funding available for personal items,(ie bodysuits,tennis shoes, etc)
Travel will be funded if NDHSAA and/or NDCCA sponsored event
Items needed for safety of cheer members (ie, mats)
Coach’s registration fees for professional development
Any other coach requests deemed needed by their squad to be successful
Grants may not be awarded yearly. Unfunded applications can be resubmitted for consideration at a future date.
Monies used are capable of having a lasting impact on cheer program
Applications must have their school district administration approval
Matching funds from another entity suggested, but not required
Grant application determination will take place during the spring NDCCA Board meeting. Ideas chosen for funding may be asked to submit additional information.
To apply: A description of your grant request, and the need or use it seeks to address; who will be impacted; if other funds are already committed or ongoing funding needed. Application must be signed by one applicant, who will serve as the contact person and by an administrator who has reviewed the grant for prior approval.
Grant recipients must use NDCCA funds only for the purpose requested and must implement requested funds in a timely manner. Any funds not spent within 12 months may be revoked unless there is a written explanation to the NDCCA Board designee.
Within one month after the funds are spent, grantees are to provide a typewritten memo report describing the purchased item(s), what it achieved for your team, and the total amount spent.
If applicable, items purchased with NDCCA grant funds become part of your school’s inventory.
If the project/idea cannot be implemented by the proposed date, the grantee must notify NDCCA as soon as possible.
Grant winners will be announced at the Coaches Convention General Assembly Meeting.
To apply: please fill out the Team Grant application.
Application deadline is March 15, 2025
Coaches Convention Lottery Grants
To support coaches and encourage attendance to the NDCCA Coaches Convention, two $100 grants will be awarded.. One Class A and one Class B coach will be selected from those in attendance.